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Finding a breast lump can be worrying, but remember, most lumps are not cancerous. They can feel like knots, bulges, or swellings in your breast or armpit. It’s always best to get any new or persistent lump checked by a doctor to rule out serious issues.

Common Causes of Breast Lumps
  • Mastitis: Common in breastfeeding women, causing painful lumps from inflammation and infection.
  • Trauma or Injury: A hit to the breast can cause lumps from ruptured blood vessels and bleeding.
Non-cancerous Growth and Cysts
  • Fibroadenomas: Firm, painless lumps common in women over 35.
  • Breast Cysts: Fluid-filled sacs that can vary in size and cause discomfort.
  • Breast Cancer: Less common, but can appear as a lump or thickening. Look for changes in breast size or shape, skin changes, nipple rash, discharge, or dimpling.
How Doctors Diagnose Breast Lumps
Physical Examination
  • Your doctor will manually check the lump.
  • X-ray of the breast to look for cancer signs.
  • Determines if a lump is a fluid-filled cyst or a solid mass.
  • Provides detailed images if mammogram and ultrasound are unclear.
Treatment Options
  • Antibiotics and Warm Compresses: Help treat infections.
  • Drainage: Large abscesses may need to be drained by a doctor and treated with antibiotics.
  • Surgical Removal: Sometimes removed for peace of mind, but not always necessary.
  • Observation: Usually don’t need treatment unless causing pain.
  • Surgical Removal: Often followed by radiation therapy, hormone therapy, or chemotherapy depending on the stage.

If you find a lump, don’t panic. Most breast lumps aren’t cancerous, but it’s important to get them checked by a doctor. They will determine the cause and recommend the best treatment for your situation. Checking and ruling out any nature of the lump is my priority to ensure your peace of mind and health.